
Live reload

Closed this issue · 4 comments

It looks like currently seed has no live reload feature. Do you have this planned and can I somehow help with it?

It would be nice to have it in default quickstart (I don't know if some crates exist for this or we have to write something from scratch).
Or you can use webpack quickstart (I will try to update it and make it better in next weeks / month but it should be usable now).

Having rust-only solution is a more pleasing alternative ;)

Yeah, my hands were burning while I was writing Javascript for Rust project, but assets minifications, Tailwind, live reload, CSS transformations, etc. are still missing in Rust and I don't have time to write them all now :D

I'll create something like Rust Webpack for Seed once a style library for Seed is complete. And I want to investigate elm-spa for inspiration.

I'm closing this issue in favor of seed-rs/seed-quickstart#11 (where you can add your ideas).