Cyber-Duck Task

Welcome to the Cyber-Duck Task using Laravel 5.8.

This mini CRM demonstration lets you list companies and their employees, plus the various details of each.


Fork and clone as necessary (obviously, I hope).

I set up the database using MySQL via MAMP and Sequel Pro, and as such I have reflected this in the repo's .env.example file, but feel free to configure the database as you wish.

Once this has been done, the following commands need to be run:

  • php artisan migrate

  • php artisan db:seed

  • php artisan storage:link

Then you can serve Cyber-Duck Task by running

  • php artisan serve

Navigate to http://localhost:8000/ and you should be good to go!

(Sneaky hint: you will need super secret Administrator credentials to get any further, but they're pretty simple to glean....)

(Fair enough: said credentials are '' and 'password'.)