Empty css.d.ts file
ghostsquad opened this issue · 2 comments
ghostsquad commented
I have a bare bones "create-react-app", and I've added this module. I can see that it's creating the app.css.d.ts
file, but it looks like this:
// This file is automatically generated.
// Please do not change this file!
interface CssExports {
export const cssExports: CssExports;
export default cssExports;
ghostsquad commented
nvm. The names of my files were wrong. create-react-app requires the names to be <something>.module.css
but it comes with app.css
out of the box.
BiosBoy commented
In my case it was an error because of wrong loaders sequence. Just put css-modules-typescript-loader right after style-loader and everything goes as expected.