
Don't create typings files for non-named imports

fourpastmidnight opened this issue · 0 comments

I'm using Semantic UI React along with their Semantic UI CSS styles.


import 'semantic-ui-css/semantic.min.css';
import './App.css'
import MyComponent from './components';

export const App = () => <MyComponent />

export default App;

In the code above, both CSS imports cause a <filename>.css.d.ts file to be created. But this is problematic for the semantic.min.css file because it's not my file. It's one provided by a NPM library. And I'm using a mono-repo with Yarn and PnPJS, so there is no node_modules folder, but a cache of ZIP files with a require.resolve hook/interceptor to provide module resolution for node--i.e. the "node_modules" filesystem is "read-only". And so this loader fails:

D:/src/git/my-project/.yarn/cache/ (D:/src/git/my-project/.yarn/$$virtual/css-loader-virtual-73afbc880bb/0/cache/!D:/src/git/my-project/.yarn/cache/!D:/src/git/my-project/.yarn/cache/!D:/src/git/my-project/.yarn/cache/
Error: EROFS: read-only filesystem, open '/node_modules/semantic-ui-css-semantic.min.css.d.ts'