
"Internal Server Error"

Closed this issue · 9 comments

PFM seems to download and install fine, but I get this error when trying to use it. Unsure if this is a Cozy error, or a PFM error?

Hi Oliver,
Could you tell me where do you get this error ? Have you tried to stop/start the application to see if the problem persists? What if you reinstall the application?

Thank you in advance!

I get it immediately upon opening PFM from the Cozy home screen. I tried to reinstall it, but things went so badly wrong that the Cozy IRC channel gave up on it. Fresh install today on the Virtualbox VM image, same issue.

I tried restarting it with cozy-monitor, didn't help.

The log file contains this:

     1  [INFO] add plugin: americano-cozy
     2  [INFO] bank - all request creation...
     3  [ERROR]... fail
     4  [ERROR] A request creation failed, abandon.
     5  [Error: [object Object]]
     6  [ERROR] americano-cozy failed to load.
     7  [Error: [object Object]]
     8  [INFO] Routes loaded.
     9  [INFO] Configuration for production loaded.
    10  [INFO] pfm server is listening on port 9875...
    11  Start bank accounts polling...
    12  > Next check of bank accounts on 14/12/2013 at 01:25:00
    13  Start alert watcher...
    14  > Next check to send report 14/12/2013 at 01:52:00
    15  => Server intialized!

Could you try to update cozy and try again please ?

supervisorctl stop cozy-controller
npm install -g cozy-controller cozy-monitor
supervisorctl start cozy-controller
# wait a bit so everything start again
cozy-monitor light-update-cozy

We are investigating this, thanks for the reports!

Did all the updates, no change.

We found where the bug comes from. We are working on it. We will update soon the virtualbox virtual machine.
We will notify you once it's done.

If you can't wait until that, you can try to set all your configurations field, then uninstall/install the Cozy PFM.

The 'Internal Server Error' should be repair with this fix.

However, I think, errors in your logs is due to a restart via cozy-monitor.
You can restart an application via home interface or via cozy-monitor but with command "restart_home ". The command "restart " is helpfull for application in cozy stack (home/proxy/data-system).

Can we close this issue now? Or is there still a problem?

Which version / how should I test? Fresh install on a fresh VM?

I've just realized I didn't answer, somehow...sorry about that!

This was an issue related to Cozy itself, not with the app. Could you please close the issue @OliverCole?