
OMPLoopHelper analyzes OpenMP loops for parallelization compatibility and provides recommendations on loop improvement.

Primary LanguageTXL


See the web front-end at https://omploophelper-online-production.up.railway.app/

This program performs 5 steps to analyze each marked for loop for OpenMP parallelization compatibility:

  1. match for loop
  2. check that loop is pragma-compatible (structured block)
  3. check for collapse pragma compatibility
  4. check for memory conflict with recursive method
  5. generate suggested omp pragma parameters

Usage Instructions:

  1. Have c code, with at least one for loop
  2. Add this comment immediately before the loop(s) you want to be analyzed: //@omp-analysis=true
  3. Run compiled program: ./OMPLoopHelper.x <c code filepath>

Development/Interpreter Instructions:

  • Run program with interpreter: txl OMPLoopHelper.txl <c code filepath> -comment -q
  • Compile program: txlc OMPLoopHelper.txl -comment -q

Command line arguments

Argument Flag Info
Verbose - v Gives more information on suggested pragma parameters
Debug (development) - db For development purposes. Use to show TXL program debugging messages. You can add new debug messages with [printdb] and [messagedb] functions.
Both (verbose and debug) - v db


  • Run automated tests: python3 runTests.py
  • Include individual test output: python3 runTests.py -v