Styling of strength meter
Closed this issue · 6 comments
Make it look like the screenshot at
Split it in bars and alter color on score.
Would be great, thanks
There is currently valid and invalid, so you can easily hook into those. If you want to style based off each score value, you can use the parent attribute data-score attribute.
[data-score="4"] span.passwordField__meter {
background: orange !important;
or pass the style in as an object.
the split bars, you could use gradient if you know the width, or overlay with lines. Best I can think of there.
tell me, how do you pass the style in as an object?
would be great if I can set the background
of the getMeterStyle()
on ever score change in a listener.
here some inspiration i worked out the SASS/CSS for the split bars:
@mixin passwordMeter($score, $colour) {
background: linear-gradient(
to right,
$colour, $colour 90%,
transparent 90%, transparent 100%
) !important;
width: #{($score * $barWidth) + $barWidth} !important;
background-size: $barWidth 24px !important;
.passwordField__meter {
@include passwordMeter(0, #FC6F6F);
margin-right: 0 !important;
&[data-score="1"] .passwordField__meter {
@include passwordMeter(1, #FCAF6F);
&[data-score="2"] .passwordField__meter {
@include passwordMeter(2, #DCCF73);
&[data-score="3"] .passwordField__meter {
@include passwordMeter(3, #CCEF7F);
&[data-score="4"] .passwordField__meter {
@include passwordMeter(4, #5CF072);
nice. looks good... lemme know when there's something public to check out.