Can't install khaos
Closed this issue · 2 comments
jmcgdz commented
I haven't been able to install npm i -g khaos
in any environment.
I fired up a fresh centos 6.5 droplet on DO to have a blank slate.
When running npm install -dd khaos
it consistently freezes after this:
npm info install uglify-js@2.3.6
npm info postinstall uglify-js@2.3.6
npm verb unlock done using /root/.npm/_locks/uglify-js-60ae3fb922a1e9a7.lock for /root/analytics.js-integrations/node_modules/khaos/node_modules/handlebars/node_modules/uglify-js
npm verb about to build /root/analytics.js-integrations/node_modules/khaos/node_modules/handlebars
npm info build /root/analytics.js-integrations/node_modules/khaos/node_modules/handlebars
npm verb linkStuff [ false,
npm verb linkStuff false,
npm verb linkStuff false,
npm verb linkStuff '/root/analytics.js-integrations/node_modules/khaos/node_modules' ]
npm info linkStuff handlebars@2.0.0
npm verb linkBins handlebars@2.0.0
npm verb link bins [ { handlebars: 'bin/handlebars' },
npm verb link bins '/root/analytics.js-integrations/node_modules/khaos/node_modules/.bin',
npm verb link bins false ]
npm verb linkMans handlebars@2.0.0
npm verb rebuildBundles handlebars@2.0.0
npm verb rebuildBundles [ '.bin', 'optimist', 'uglify-js' ]
npm verb gentlyRm vacuuming /root/analytics.js-integrations/node_modules/khaos/node_modules/.bin/handlebars
npm info install handlebars@2.0.0
npm info postinstall handlebars@2.0.0
npm verb unlock done using /root/.npm/_locks/handlebars-84bf8adcb828316d.lock for /root/analytics.js-integrations/node_modules/khaos/node_modules/handlebars
My npm version is 2.3.0 and node is v0.11.16
tunnckoCore commented
@jmcgdz yea, strange. try to use latest iojs and npm. also use
lambtron commented
Were you able to fix it? I'm going to close this issue out. If you still have problems, feel free to reopen!