Remove individual identify traits using Swift
nbeadman opened this issue · 5 comments
I am trying to switch from CocoaPods to Swift Package Manager. This has caused some code that I was using to remove an outdated trait to no longer compile:
if var segmentTraits = SEGState.sharedInstance().userInfo.traits,
segmentTraits["outdated_trait"] != nil {
segmentTraits["outdated_trait"] = nil
SEGState.sharedInstance().userInfo.traits = segmentTraits
because SEGState
is no longer in the Public headers for the SDK.
Looking at issue #952 I see that this is intentional.
The best I have come up with to clear the outdated trait is:
Analytics.shared().identify(nil, traits: ["outdated_trait": NSNull()])
but that results in the outdated_trait
still being sent with every API call as shown in the debugger:
"anonymousId": "XXXXX",
"context": {
"app": {
"build": "XXXXX",
"name": "",
"namespace": "XXXXX",
"version": "XXXXX"
"device": {
"id": "XXXXX",
"manufacturer": "Apple",
"model": "x86_64",
"name": "iPhone",
"type": "ios"
"ip": "XXXXX",
"library": {
"name": "analytics-ios",
"version": "4.1.5"
"locale": "en-US",
"network": {
"cellular": false,
"wifi": true
"os": {
"name": "iOS",
"version": "14.5"
"protocols": {
"sourceId": "XXXXX"
"screen": {
"height": 812,
"width": 375
"timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"traits": {
"anonymousId": "XXXXX",
"outdated_trait": null,
"integrations": {},
"messageId": "XXXXX",
"originalTimestamp": "2021-09-11T18:17:06.630Z",
"receivedAt": "2021-09-11T18:17:15.680Z",
"sentAt": "2021-09-11T18:17:15.252Z",
"timestamp": "2021-09-11T18:17:07.058Z",
"traits": {
"anonymousId": "XXXXX",
"type": "identify",
"userId": "XXXXX",
"writeKey": "XXXXX"
It is possible to clear a single trait without going nuclear and calling Analytics.shared().reset()
I can't merge this change unfortunately. To do something like this, you would write a source middleware to filter it out.
You might also check out our new analytics-swift library. It makes doing stuff like this quite a bit easier and will be entering beta on Tuesday.
hey @bsneed Thanks for clarifying.
Can you please explain how this would be easy to accomplish in analytics-swift
? Can you please share some documentation?
Thanks in advance
In analytics-swift, it'd be as simple as doing this ...
// add an enrichment closure to remove the outdated trait
analytics.add { event in
guard var identify = event as? IdentifyEvent else { return event }
identify.traits = try? identify.traits?.remove(key: "outdated_event")
return identify
Analytics-Swift info is here:
Thank you so much.
My pleasure!