
`Application Updated` and `Deep Link Opened` Events Are Not Logged

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Application Updated and Deep Link Opened events are not logged even though they are supported by the SDK, can someone check and fix this please?

We did setup Segments with our app and it is sending the logged events to Segments but these two events are not logged for some reason.

Platforms: iOS 17 and Android 13.

  final Analytics analytics = createClient(
      debug: true,
      trackApplicationLifecycleEvents: true,
      collectDeviceId: true,
      trackDeeplinks: true,

Please let me know if you require more info on this.

Hi @omarhussein-ava thank you for your report. We start looking into this.

Hi @omarhussein-ava I can't replicate the issue, for me works as expected, could you provide more information about your project?
Like: flutter version, analytics_flutter version

oscb commented

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