
procstats kills process?

matthewmueller opened this issue · 4 comments

Hey there. I'm running into procstats immediately killing the process on OSX. Here's the code I'm running

var prom = prometheus.DefaultHandler

func main() {

	c := procstats.StartCollector(procstats.NewGoMetrics())
	defer c.Close()

	router := httprouter.New()
	router.Handler("GET", "/", httpstats.NewHandler(http.HandlerFunc(index)))
	router.Handler("GET", "/metrics", http.HandlerFunc(prom.ServeHTTP))

	log.Infof("listening on http://localhost:9000")
	log.WithError(http.ListenAndServe(":9000", router)).Fatal("server died")

func index(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	stats.Incr("visited index")
	defer stats.Time("timing you", time.Now()).Stop()
	w.Write([]byte("hi world!"))

And this is what I'm seeing:

go run stats.go
signal: killed

Is this intentional?

ivolo commented

hey @matthewmueller why are you up at 3am PST :)

This is not intentional and it's the first time I'm getting this reported. The package doesn't send signals itself so this is weird. I'll try to repro later today.

In the mean time, if you can gather more info? Like trying to run the same code without the procstats.StartCollector call for example.

Also what version of Go are you running?

@ivolo I'm in Asia 😆 I should be asking you guys that! Late night at the office?

@achille-roussel It's very odd, if I add anything related to procstats I hit it. Even if I do:

package main

import (


func main () {

I get an immediate SIGKILL. But if I remove that call everything works wonderfully. Could this be related to cgo? I've tried reinstalling it via go get, but no luck there.

go version go1.8.3 darwin/amd64

UPDATE: Okay it's due to import "C". If I comment that out it doesn't immediately die. Maybe my cgo isn't setup properly.

Okay sorry for the false alarm. It looks like it's due to this issue: golang/go#19734