@media queries
junaid33 opened this issue ยท 6 comments
Just wanted to say that ui-box is so convenient for CSS-in-JS. My question is can we do media queries using props? We are currently using other CSS-in-JS libraries and would like to just use ui-box if possible. Thank you!
I've been trying to come up with a good API that's nice to use while still being performant but I haven't thought of one yet.
But since they're just regular React props, you can easily use something like react-media as a workaround.
import React from "react"
import Media from "react-media"
import Box from "ui-box"
const mobileStyles = {
background: 'green'
const desktopStyles = {
background: 'yellow'
class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<Media query="(max-width: 599px)">
{isMobile => (
color={isMobile ? 'red' : 'blue'}
{...(isMobile ? mobileStyles : desktopStyles)}
I'm open to suggestions though.
There are two types of responsive design imo, on a property level, and component level.
- Property level, you want a single property such as padding to change based on the viewport/parent
- Component level, you want a component or structure to be different based on the viewport/parent
As for the Component level, I think in most cases you will need something like <MediaQuery>
or even. As for property level I have some random thoughts below.
Array of values for predefined breakpoints
<MediaQueryProvider queries={['(max-width: 359px)', '(max-width: 599px)', '(max-width: 959px)']}>
<Box padding={[8, 16, 32]} />
Array of values for predefined breakpoints
<MediaQueryProvider queries={['(max-width: 359px)', '(max-width: 599px)', '(max-width: 959px)']}>
<Box padding={[8, 16, 32]} />
Properties could be functions taking a width
<Box color={width => width > 600 ? 'red' : 'blue} />
Return responsive props
responsiveProps={width => {
if (width < 360) return { padding: 8, margin: 8 }
return { padding: 16, margin: 16 }
Generate computed CSS custom properties (variables)
I am on the fence if this would actually work.
function createResponsiveValue(small, medium, large) {
@media (max-width: 359px) { --generated-var: ${small}; }
@media (max-width: 599px) { --generated-var: ${medium}; }
@media (max-width: 959px) { --generated-var: ${large}; }
return `var(--generated-var)`;
const R = createResponsiveValue;
margin={R(8, 16, 32)}
@jeroenransijn The array props looks the best to me. I like the way facepaint handles this. They also handle pseudo-selectors in the same way which could be a bonus.
I want to like the function props but I'm not sure how that would be converted to a media query efficiently, which I believe is the goal here no? Perhaps this is also an opportunity to switch to emotion or styled-component or something? IDK If that would make these enhancements easier.
@jeroenransijn I would suggest also looking at what's been described here: https://usehooks.com/useMedia, which complements Array of values for predefined breakpoints
Any news on this?
is there an interim recommendation or practice for media queries that plays well with evergreen?