
replicate with doc_ids filter isn't supported?

greenais opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm trying to replicate from remote to local DB only certain docs using doc_ids option.
The code looks like:

let remoteDB = new PouchDB(serverURL + dbName, cdbOptions);
      remoteDB.logIn(userID, password, auth(userID, password))
      .then(()=> {
        return, {
            doc_ids: docList
      .then((res)=> {console.log('====>>> _pullDocs res: ', res)})

Replication ends with

ok: true,
doc_write_failures: 0,
errors: [],
status: 'complete'


docs_read: 0,
docs_written: 0,

docList is strings array of docs IDs, docs are there in remoteDB as I can get them with remoteDB.get(docID) one by one - permissions therefore Ok as well.

Any help is appreciated - where to look for an issue?

Updating underlying components resolved the issue.