
Items are exchanged but end with 'pending'

pranaymk opened this issue · 3 comments

I've been running into an issue where with both people having trade confirmations disabled, upon completion of a trade, items are exchanged but the trade ends with 'pending'. A trade offer is created with "Items Now Unavailable For Trade".

Has anyone got a fix for this? Or is it just a valve issue that I may just have to create a dirty workaround for?

That's how trades currently work. Try it yourself. If you're the one who initiated the trade, on completion you get window with a trade offer with "Items Now Unavailable For Trade".

I think in this case the only way to get the list of received items would be to parse the HTML with the new item notification in your inventory.

Or alternatively, since you still receive a trade offer id, you could check the trade offer's contents? But that's outside the scope of this module.