Help with steamGameCoordinator
c00kie17 opened this issue · 2 comments
c00kie17 commented
Hi I am trying to send a simple hello client message to dota2 using the steam game co-ordinator but I am not getting a response back. I know im missing something or doing something wrong. Here is my code:
const steam_resources = require("steam-resources")
const steamClient = new steam.SteamClient()
const steamUser = new steam.SteamUser(steamClient)
const steamGameCoordinator = new steam.SteamGameCoordinator(steamClient, 570)
const dota_proto = steam_resources.GC.Dota.Internal
steamClient.on('connected', function() {
account_name: username,
password: password,
steamClient.on('logOnResponse', function(logonResp) {
if(logonResp.eresult == steam.EResult.OK){
console.log('logged in')
steamGameCoordinator.on("message", function(header, body, callback) {
function send_client_hello(){
{msg: dota_proto.EGCBaseClientMsg.k_EMsgGCClientHello, proto: {}},
new dota_proto.CMsgClientHello({}).toBuffer()
console.log('sent hello')
seishun commented
I don't know much about Dota 2 GC, but an obvious issue is that you're not playing the game. You need to call SteamUser#gamesPlayed.
c00kie17 commented
Thank you so much! got it