
Requirements for installation are not clear

Opened this issue · 11 comments

Just include slider.js and use the package ui.bootstrap-slider.

I actually had to include seiyria-bootstrap-slider/dist/bootstrap-slider.min.js and seiyria-bootstrap-slider/dist/css/bootstrap-slider.min.css too.

Also, looking at the code, I'm not sure it works without jQuery, like the original plugin is supposed to. It would really be a plus, since most angular modules for UI still require it...

Yes, it is implied that bootstrap slider is already included. If you'd be willing to submit a PR on that, I'd take that.

You are correct, this does look for $.fn.slider and it is untested without jQuery. However, Angular, by default, has jqLite and IIRC if bootstrap-slider detects any jQuery namespace it will attach to it, which makes this a moot point. That said, if you have a plnkr that demonstrates this case, I'd be happy to take a look at it, but a PR would be overall a lot more helpful. As you said though, a lot of Angular plugins are just jQuery wrappers in disguise, so I'm not sure relying on jQuery is that much of a detriment.

I second both points, it would be great if the actual installation hints would be complete. When using it without jQuery, I see an $ is not defined error in the console, so IMHO there's no automatic usage of jqLite.

That's strange. In any event, if someone really needs the jQuery dependency to be removed, feel free to submit a PR. I suppose I'll flesh out the docs a bit more to say you do need to include bootstrap-slider (though I still feel this is a given).

Sorry guys, but i'm not understand what are the requirements.
For basic usage I need to install, bootstrap (and include the CSS), angular, angular-bootstrap-slider and?
other package?
could you give me the minimun installation required via bower command?
I'm trying but i have not errors bat also i have not the slider too.

Yes, you need to install bootstrap-slider. That is implied when I say:

See bootstrap-slider for examples and options.


You will also need to include bootstrap-sliders CSS and JS.

bower should already install seiyria-bootstrap-slider as well.

Thank you for your fast response,
I've made a little example on plunker but it doesn't works.

Coul'd you check if I miss something?

Yes, you forgot to require the module ui.bootstrap-slider.

Concerning ui.bootstrap-slider you mean the Angular UI Bootstrap or jQuery ones?

Could you kindly write me the right ui.bootstrap-slider project page (or bower or CDN link) so i'll try to add into my sample.

... You literally just have to add it as a module dependency, like so:

(function () {
    var app = angular.module("sliderApp", ['ui.bootstrap-slider']);

    app.controller('sliderCtrl', function($scope, $http) {
        this.sliderValue = 24;

You can see here that that is what I've chosen to call this module.

Oh damn,
I was checking about the files inclusions and I did not realize that I forgot to load the module.
Now it works fine, thank you for your support.

This is pretty obvisous, but I guess, people might forget about the module inclusion at first (I did).
This might be great to add a line about it in the doc.