
knockout.js dynamic add

jxmiller opened this issue · 15 comments

Using knockout.js in a repeating element. When I add an object to the view model, it adds a row to a table where a slider is supposed to render. The error I get in chrome is: "Calling context element does not have instance of Slider bound to it. Check your code to make sure the JQuery object returned from the call to the slider() initializer is calling the method".

I have tried to destroy and recreate but no luck. Here is my binding handler where the error occurs.
ko.bindingHandlers.sliderValue = {
init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindings, viewModel, bindingContext) {
var value = valueAccessor();
$(element).slider('setValue', value())
$(element).on('slide', function (ev) {
update: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindings, viewModel, bindingContext) {
var value = valueAccessor();
$(element).slider('setValue', value());

Could you please add a jsfiddle? Thanks!

I found out how to get it to work. Essentially I was using the original non-forked slider without the commented code in the fiddle. For that it worked. I changed to this slider when I saw a few added abilities that I wanted to use, namely tooltip: always. This is when I had the bug. so with the fiddle above if you run as--is you will see the error I get, but there is a comment that if you undo the comment it will work.

Note, I am not ever instantiating slider in .js except now I am in the knockout binding. I was using the data-attribs to auto slider everything.


It appears that dynamically loaded html that has data-attribs might not work in this version.

In my above comment, I meant to say NOT, instead of now...

So, based on your prior comments, does this work now? Or is there still something to investigate?

To me it is a bug. A bug that a lot of javascript libs have when concerning dynamically added DOM elements. Did I get it to work? Yes. I still use data-attribs, but they do nothing until I manually call $(elem).slider(). I would rather not call that but not huge to me, just my point of view.


Having used knockout a bit, I thought about this some more. Wouldn't it make more sense to pass all of that data in to the slider binding and pass it in that way? Also, many of the knockout bindings I've seen that wrap jQuery libraries do a similar thing. I'm not sure how you would envision it functioning otherwise, would you care to elaborate?

I am all for a suggestion change. Can you post a fiddle example? Just so you can see how I am using it best I have the ko.binding code (from my first post here) and then I bind in html like this As far as I understand it, doing the custom ko.binding allows me to then use sliderValue in my data-bind attributes like you see below >

<tbody data-bind="foreach: fooArray">
             <input type="text" class="slider form-control" value="" data-bind="sliderValue: $data"
                                       data-slider-tooltip="always" />

And here is the custom binder I am using now (just slightly different than my first post above) >

ko.bindingHandlers.sliderValue = {
    init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindings, viewModel, bindingContext) {
        var value = valueAccessor();
        $(element).slider({value: value()}); // is this what you mean?
        //$(element).slider('setValue', value())
        $(element).on('slide', function (ev) {
    update: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindings, viewModel, bindingContext) {
        var value = valueAccessor();
        $(element).slider('setValue', value());

While it's not really a jsfiddle, this shows what I mean, more precisely:

<a href="#" data-bind="tooltip: {title: 'Another tooltip', placement: 'right'}">have a</a>

Such that the binding is actually passing an object in. From personal experience, this is preferable to using a lot of data- attributes.

I'm going to close this, please re-open if you feel that the way I suggested is not viable and this is still a problem.

Hi, Just for future reference, I've made this work accordingly to the proper way knockout parameters should be provided (also as mentioned by @seiyria above):

@cosminstefanxp thanks for that!

I've added this to our README, as I'm sure I'll make one for use with angular eventually, and I'm sure other things will come along as well.

Thanks! 👍
I've also put it as a github project here: , in case some changes will be done.

I'll link to that instead then. Thanks again!