
Repository for a technical assignment


  • SQL Queries for Part 1 of the assignment
  • Create Schema for analytics based on use-cases mentioned and Stripe's response examples (https://stripe.com/docs/api/python#events)
  • Lambda Handler (python function) for Stripe Webhook - to receive response from API
  • Extract event data and source objects from JSON response, and write to Postgres DB
  • Create new stack in AWS using Cloud Formation
  • Create Lambda and Step Functions to instead store required reponse objects in CSV on S3

Directory Structure


Based on https://gist.github.com/rosner/14f9b25abb921394ce3724dd000eb7a3#dwh-modelling

  • SQL Queries to the first part of the assignment
  • Assumptions: For Question 2, "with the MOST installs coming in from Android" is interpreted as channels are sorted as per most count of installs coming from Android, and not those filtered for Android only.


Based on: https://gist.github.com/rosner/14f9b25abb921394ce3724dd000eb7a3#background

/ Python:

  1. setup.py - configuration details for API_KEY and DB_CONN
  2. api_handler.py - Stripe's webhook function to call API and receive "Events" info.
  3. utilities.py - Parsing of JSON Response and insert to or retrieve details from database. The code has been written for given sample JSON response of type 'Charge.Succeeded', but is flexible to be modified for handling any event type.

/ SQL:

  1. Data Model - Schema Design for analytical purposes
  2. DWH_Schema_Build.sql - Schema Build script for creating the above mentioned data model
  3. Customer_Analytics_Insights.sql - Analytical queries based on given use-cases (eg. lifetime value of a customer, cohort analysis and retention info etc.). Provided with sample output


  • API development: Python 3.6.4
  • Database: PostgreSQL 9.6
  • Queries: SQL (ANSI / PostgreSQL 9.6)


  • Code in untested, but focused on design and clean structure, and business use-cases
  • Sample input data to be created to run the queries
  • Configuration parameters to be set in setup.py