
Docker image for amazon dash button hack

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Image on hub.docker: https://hub.docker.com/r/sejnub/amazon-dash-sniff/

This is a Dockerfile for the hack described in https://blog.thesen.eu/aktuellen-dash-button-oder-ariel-etc-von-amazon-jk29lp-mit-dem-raspberry-pi-nutzen-hacken/

Status and rights

This works stable for me. But the code is specific for my setup (buttons and HTTP target). So if you want to use this you have to change the code.

I claim no rights to this. Feel free to do with it, what you want!

Prepare rpi

Prepare rpi as described in http://blog.alexellis.io/getting-started-with-docker-on-raspberry-pi/

To test:

docker run -ti resin/rpi-raspbian:jessie-20160831 /bin/bash

Build image from GitHub

cd ~
rm -rf docker-amazon-dash-sniff
git clone https://github.com/sejnub/docker-amazon-dash-sniff.git
cd ~/docker-amazon-dash-sniff 
docker build -t sejnub/amazon-dash-sniff:rpi-latest .

Run it

To run it for test purposes with attached console:

docker rm -f dash; docker run --net host -it --env-file /usr/local/etc/sejnub-credentials.env --name dash sejnub/amazon-dash-sniff:rpi-latest /bin/bash

and then

nano    /usr/local/bin/dash-hassio.py
python3 /usr/local/bin/dash-hassio.py

nano    /usr/local/bin/dash.py
python3 /usr/local/bin/dash.py

To run it for production:

docker rm -f dash; docker run --net host -d --env-file /usr/local/etc/sejnub-credentials.env --name dash sejnub/amazon-dash-sniff:rpi-latest

Push it

To push it to hub.docker.com:

docker login
docker push sejnub/amazon-dash-sniff:rpi-latest


python /usr/local/bin/dash.py