!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/metricbeat/current/metricbeat-template.html
Work in progress: This repository is worthless for anybody but me just now.
- Check the repository https://github.com/andig/beats4pi
- On an x86 machine follow https://github.com/sejnub/docker-build-beats
- Copy the executable to the folder ~/beats4pi on the raspi
Do it my way as it is described in this rep before 2018-11. Then the following is to be done * Remove installation of commodity software from Dockerfile * Create mechanism to run the image with a specified configuration * Switch to a smaller base image like e.g. alpine (look at hypriot)
## set up the source folder ~/docker-beats-1-sources
### prepare empty folder ~/docker-beats-1-sources
cd ~
rm -rf ~/docker-beats-1-sources
mkdir ~/docker-beats-1-sources
### load foreign external sources into ~/docker-beats-1-sources
#### clone the git rep that contains config file templates
cd ~/docker-beats-1-sources;
git clone https://github.com/elastic/beats.git
### load my own external sources into ~/docker-beats-1-sources (repeat from here on if I edited my source)
#### clone my own rep (Dockerfile etc.)
cd ~/docker-beats-1-sources;
rm -rf ~/docker-beats-1-sources/docker-beats
git clone https://github.com/sejnub/docker-beats.git
## set up the build folder ~/docker-beats-2-build
### prepare empty folder ~/docker-beats-2-build
cd ~
rm -rf ~/docker-beats-2-build
mkdir ~/docker-beats-2-build
### copy my own sorces into build folder (this has to happen first because it creates the bin and the config folders)
cp -r ~/docker-beats-1-sources/docker-beats/* ~/docker-beats-2-build
### copy executables into build folder
cp ~/beats4pi/metricbeat ~/docker-beats-2-build/bin/metricbeat-linux-arm
cp ~/beats4pi/filebeat ~/docker-beats-2-build/bin/filebeat-linux-arm
cp ~/beats4pi/heartbeat ~/docker-beats-2-build/bin/heartbeat-linux-arm
### copy config templates into build folder
cp ~/docker-beats-1-sources/beats/metricbeat/metricbeat.yml ~/docker-beats-2-build/config/
cp ~/docker-beats-1-sources/beats/metricbeat/metricbeat.reference.yml ~/docker-beats-2-build/config/
cp ~/docker-beats-1-sources/beats/heartbeat/heartbeat.yml ~/docker-beats-2-build/config/
cp ~/docker-beats-1-sources/beats/heartbeat/heartbeat.reference.yml ~/docker-beats-2-build/config/
cp ~/docker-beats-1-sources/beats/filebeat/filebeat.yml ~/docker-beats-2-build/config/
cp ~/docker-beats-1-sources/beats/filebeat/filebeat.reference.yml ~/docker-beats-2-build/config/
## build
cd ~/docker-beats-2-build; docker build -t sejnub/beats:rpi-latest .
docker login
docker push sejnub/beats:rpi-latest
Run an interactive bash
docker rm -f beats; docker run -it --name beats sejnub/beats:rpi-latest bash
Then inside the container run
metricbeat -path.config /etc/metricbeat
nano /etc/metricbeat/metricbeat.hb.yml
Just for information. There is an X86 docker image which can be run with
sudo docker run -v /media/sf_shared-with-virtualbox/filebeat.hb1.yml:/filebeat.yml prima/filebeat:5