
[CLI] Something went wrong while creating your components.

Closed this issue · 5 comments

npx solidui-cli add chart
Need to install the following packages:
Ok to proceed? (y) y
■  Something went wrong while creating your components. Have you ran solidui-cli init?

Yes, I have.

Problem found: It's charts. 🙄

Maybe improve the error message?

Thanks for the feedback.
I really want to move away from charts.js anyway but I'm not sure when I'll have the time to do so.

But as for the error message I'll take a look.
Shouldn't be too much work to do.

Little plug here - but i helped on the solid-charts might be worth using that wrapper instead of the raw chartsjs?

Little plug here - but i helped on the solid-charts might be worth using that wrapper instead of the raw chartsjs?

Thanks for the link.
I'll look into it but I'm thinking about moving to apexcharts or another library cause I can't really specify the colorschema for charts.js.

just a note for my future self:

Sorry for the long delay, but I finally found the spare time to have an indepth look into the charts component and I nearly completely remade it.
The issues should be fixed now.