
Convert to a GitHub App

Opened this issue · 4 comments

@Malix-off I'm not sure StarTrack is suitable to be a GitHub App because it doesn't have a backend. It has no way to store the private key and the client secret. Also - is it possible for a user to choose not to register to the app once they go to StarTrack?

Hello @seladb!
I think it would be possible to make it without a backend with a few tweaks, I'm currently experimenting that on my app

Once they go to startrack, they will be logged in by default, but you could still use the GitHub API without login, as it is currently possible

@Malix-off if it works I think it could be a nice addition to StarTrack! Once you finish experimenting on your app, could you share your findings?

Maybe you can consider implementing it for StarTrack too 🙂

I have quite a few things to work on before that, but when I will do it, I will report back!
There's no rush anyway