
The webserver wraps the exiftool -listx command

Primary LanguageGo

The Webserver wraps the exiftool -listx command (so exiftool needs to be installed).

The output of that command is XML, looks like this:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!-- Generated by Image::ExifTool 11.30 -->
<table name='AFCP::Main' g0='AFCP' g1='AFCP' g2='Other'>
<desc lang='en'>AFCP</desc>
<tag id='Nail' name='ThumbnailImage' type='?' writable='false' g2='Preview'>
<desc lang='en'>Thumbnail Image</desc>
<desc lang='cs'>Náhled</desc>
<desc lang='de'>Miniaturbild</desc>
<desc lang='es'>Miniatura</desc>

We want the server to return JSON from the Endpoint /tags .

The JSON should look like this:

{"tags": [{
"writable": false,
"path": "AFCP::Main:ThumbnailImage",
"group": "AFCP::Main",
"description": {
"de": "Miniaturbild",
"en": "Thumbnail Image",
"es": "Miniatura",
"it": "Miniatura",
"type": "?"
"writable": false,
"path": "AFCP::Main:PreviewImage",
"group": "AFCP::Main",
"description": {
"de: "Vorschaubild",
"en": "Preview Image",
"es": "Vista Previa",
"it": "Immagine anteprima",