
Make all functions modules

wagerfield opened this issue · 4 comments

Hey @selfrefactor me again—it's been a while!

Would you mind making all exported functions modules—so they can be imported separately?

The functions that are currently only declared in rambda.js are:

I would like to be able to import these functions from the lib like so:

import identity from 'rambda/lib/identity'

Hi @wagerfield

Thank you for opening this issue.

When I wrote those shortcuts, I knew that there will be a day, where I will have to redo them.

So this day seems to be today.

Hahahaha @selfrefactor—I hope this day didn't come too soon!

No, it did not.

Actually there were some other issues, which I found, so at the end it wasn't such a small issue as it initially looked like.

The requested changes are implemented in version 1.0.12 and I am keeping the issue open till you confirm that it works from your end.

I am closing it assuming that everything is ok. Feel free to reopen if that is not the case.