
Webpack Uglify won't run on module as it is compiled as es6

jpgorman opened this issue ยท 7 comments

Currently this module can't be used in production with webpack as it is es6 and isn't supported by the webpack uglify module.

Can you compile the package to es5 first with either babel or something else, before building with webpack.

Nice catch! Yes, I will do that.

A clarification is needed - which file you need compiled - index.js or webVersion.js ?

It's the compiled node file - index.js

Version 0.7.3 should be now es2015 compatible. Please let me know if Uglify still doesn't work.

Fantastic, I'll give it a try :)

I am closing the issue, assuming that it works. Feel free to reopen it, if that is not the case.

Just tried it today (I've been away). Works a treat, thanks :) ๐Ÿ‘