
ORM for local storage that can save you time!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Local Storage Programming Interface

Basic ORM for local storage that can save you time!

Super easy to use!

Store and retrieve valid JSON objects/arrays or simple strings 😄

Make sure to use polyfills for Array.from and Object.assign when bundling your application code! 🎉


npm install lspi --save


const lspi = require('lspi');

//= set string ->
lspi.set('testOne', 'testing');
// Returns: undefined
// Stores: "testing"

//= get string ->
// Returns: "testOne"

//= set object literal ->
lspi.set('testOne', {});
// Returns: undefined
// Stores: "{}"

//= get object literal ->
// Returns: {}

//= set array ->
lspi.set('testTwo', []);
// Returns: undefined
// Stores: "[]"

//= get array ->
// Returns: []

//= set array of objects ->
lspi.set('testOne', [{ name: 'test' }, { name: 'test2' }]);
// Returns: undefined
// Stores: "{"name": "test2"}"

//= where query on array of objects ->
lspi.where('testOne', 'name', 'test2');
// Returns: [{ name: 'test2' }]

//= update state ->
lspi.set('test42', { hey: 'hi' });

lspi.update('test42', { ok: 'new stuff' });
// Returns: undefined
// Adds ok key and 'new stuff' value to the 'testOne' record

lspi.update('test42', { hey: 'hello' });
// Returns: undefined
// Updates hey value to 'hello' instead of 'hi'

//= remove data (singular) ->
// Returns: undefined
// This will delete the 'testOne' record from localStorage

//= remove all data ->
// Returns: undefined
// Drops ALL localStorage associated to your domain

//= Mutiple set ->
lspi.sets(['test', { wow: 'wow1' }], ['test2', { wow: 'wow2' }]);
// Returns: undefined
// Stores: {wow: 'wow1'} in mthe 'test' key
// Stores: {wow: 'wow2'} in the 'test2' key

const testDataOne = lspi.get('test');
const testDataTwo = lspi.get('test2');

testDataOne; // => {wow: 'wow1'}
testDataTwo; // => {wow: 'wow2'}

//= Multiple get ->\
lspi.sets(['test', { wow: 'wow' }], ['test2', { wow: 'wow' }]);

const testData = lspi.gets('test', 'test2');

testData; // => ['test', {wow: 'wow'}], ['test2', {wow: 'wow'}]

//= Multiple drop ->
  ['test', { wow: 'wow1' }],
  ['test2', { wow: 'wow2' }],
  ['test3', { wow: 'wow3' }],

lspi.drops('test', 'test2');
// Returns: undefined
// 'test3' -> {wow: 'wow3'} remains