
IUHM input data for watershed

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Data needed (should be in GIS files with required fields/info)

  1. Conduit (shp file)
    • ID
    • Diameter
    • Upstream Junction ID
    • Upstream Invert elevation
    • Downstream Junction ID
    • Downstream Invert elevation
    • Length
  2. Junctions (shp file)
    • ID
  3. Inlets (shp file)
    • ID
  4. Watershed (shp file)
    • Boundary
  5. Impervious Data
    • Imperviousness
  6. DEM
  7. Soil data (shp file)
    • Soil type
    • Soil class
    • Mean Effective Porosity qe
    • std Mean Effective Porosity qe
    • mean suction [cm/hr]
    • std suction
    • hydra conductivity K [cm]
  8. Landuse Data