
Toolbar for Reference Tags not behaving as expected with locales

Closed this issue · 3 comments

When using the reference tag toolbar, it only seems to list entries enabled for the default locale - not the current locale (expected behaviour). I also checked the value of Craft.locale in the JS console and it returns the default locale, not the current one.

It would be great if this could be fixed as it's causing a bit of headache for our editors.

Hi Chris, thanks for the report.

I'm currently trying to focus on a version of Doxter for Craft 3, but I will take a look and follow up with you.

Thanks - much appreciated.

Hi @chris-garner,
After looking into this in more detail, I found out that Craft does not make things easier on the JS side of things. I'll try to implement a workaround if I can but it might be something that will have to wait till Craft 3. Sorry Chris!