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#semanticClimate #FormatsForFuture

There is a pressing need to make knowledge about climate available to mitigate the effects of gaseous emissions. The most important resource is the UN’s IPCC reports, published about every five years. In 2021-2022 AR6, with 10,000 pages, was released. Unfortunatley these are published as a set of PDF files which makes them extremely hard to read by humans or machines, preventing their widespread use. #semanticClimate is a group of young Indian science students who are developing tools and community protocols to make IPCC AR6 semantic.


  • to convert the IPCC documents from PDF into (a) HTML (b) XML
  • extract terms and explore their use and meaning
  • link terms to Wikidata and create AMI-dictionaries
  • create new structures for navigation, search, display

What #SemanticClimate does

We develop tools to liberate knowledge from locked PDFs and host events everybody gets a chance to explore the content in these reports through our tools. Our Technical Strategy Page gives an overview of the tools.

Upcoming Events

Check out our Events page for details about upcoming hackathons we host and other events we are part of.

How to get involved

We are looking for volunteers/funders to:

IPCC Reports


semanticClimate is an open research project run by volunteers. semanticClimate practices OpenNotebook Science meaning all activity and material is open. semanticClimate exists to further develop open-source technology for knowledge liberation on the topic of climate change for the benefit humanity, scholarship, and education.

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