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React-Native Redux Boilerplate
A lightweight React-Native Redux Boilerplate with ready to use modern technologies. This Repo provides you a good state of the art start for your next React-Native project.
Getting Started
- Check the React Native - Get Started Guide
- Clone this project
- Run
npm install
from root directory - Run
react-native start
for the packager running - Start your platform
react-native run-android
orreact-native run-ios
(or which fancy output you want to).
Tech | Summary |
React-Navigation | Learn once, navigate anywhere |
Redux | Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps. |
ImmutableJS | Immutable persistent data collections for Javascript which increase efficiency and simplicity. |
Styled Components | Utilising tagged template literals (a recent addition to JavaScript) and the power of CSS, styled-components allows you to write actual CSS code to style your components. |
Babel | Use next generation JavaScript, today. |
EsLint / Code Style Guide | We're using Airbnb's JS/React Style Guide with ESLint linting. |
Understanding the File Structure
- The native Android stuff/ios
- The native iOS stuff/src
- Contains the React-Native Stuff/assets
- Self explanatory right?/components
- 'Dumb-components'/containers
- 'Smart-components'actions
- dispatched actions triggered by the UI for state manipulationsconstants
- the type for state changesreducers
- state manipulations
- Everything you have to outsource/util
- Utils, for your own good/screens
- All your screens/store
- Where your state happenscombineReducers
- Combining all your reducers from every containerconfigureStore
- applying your MiddleWares to the state