Double quotes
Closed this issue · 4 comments
First of all, congradulations! Your book is very educacional. I am using to teatching at my class of web technologies. It is the best I found.
I noticed you wrote double quotes in JavaScript, but the convention is the single quotes.
Yeah @alsfurlan he made a comment about it in the book. At the Preface, page xv.
For the most part, I’ve followed idiomatic JavaScript, but there are a few places I’ve
strayed. For example, I preferred double quotes instead of single quotes for strings,
primarily because I’ve been working under the assumption that students may be coming
from a Java/C++ background. I choose to use quotes around property names in object
literals so that JSON doesn’t look too different from JavaScript objects. I also use $ as
the first character in variables that are pointing to jQuery objects. I find that it maintains
clarity and makes the code a little more readable for novices.
Good luck with the book, I've also found it to be very interesting and educational.
Thanks for answering this one, @samseen!
@alsfurlan, thank you very much for the feedback, and thanks for using my book in your class. Feel free to ping me here or via e-mail if you have any other questions!
@semmypurewal Your book already have a translation for portuguese?