
Excuse me ,There is a problem here.

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Error: AttributeError: file D:\Documents\maya\MNPR-master\scripts\ line 39: 'module' object has no attribute 'mnpr' #

I need more information to troubleshoot this...
However, it seems like the plugin could not be successfully loaded.

First of all, thank you for your reply, then how can I give you more information or what information?

// File: install.mel
// Description:
// Installation script for MNPR
// Author: Santiago E. Montesdeoca
// Website:
// Contributor: Pierre Benard
// Instructions:
// Drag and drop this file into the Maya viewport to install dependencies
{ // avoid global namespace clashing

// add scripts path to PYTHONPATH
string $fileDir = installScriptLocation;
python ("import sys");
string $pyPaths[] = python ("sys.path");
int $times = stringArrayCount ($fileDir, $pyPaths);
string $scriptsDir = $fileDir + "scripts/";
if ( stringArrayCount ($scriptsDir, $pyPaths) == 0 ) {
//print "Adding current path to PYTHONPATH";
python ("sys.path.insert(0, '" + $scriptsDir + "')") ;

python ("import mnpr_setup");
python ("reload(mnpr_setup)");
python ("'" + $fileDir + "')");

global proc string installScriptLocation () {
string $whatIs=whatIs installScriptLocation;
// $whatIs "Mel procedure found in: C:/Users/...."
string $fullPath=substring $whatIs 25 999;
string $buffer[];
int $numTok=tokenize $fullPath "/" $buffer;
int $numLetters=size($fullPath);
int $numLettersLastFolder=size($buffer[$numTok-1]);
string $scriptLocation=substring $fullPath 1 ($numLetters-$numLettersLastFolder);
return $scriptLocation;

Error: line 27: ImportError: file line 1: No module named mnpr_setup

I updated maya2018.4 and MNPR
Can be used
Thank you

I'm happy to hear that, enjoy!

JexD commented

hello, i have the same trouble, any way to make it work with 2018.3, i can't change version during project