Sequence-to-sequence neural network. Try out the ToyDataset to understand how it works. Feed MFCC's instead to train Audio-Word2Vec.
Adapted from Check it out if you are looking for a good repo on Seq2Seq
Install the packages with pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
Train and evaluate models with
python --config=<json_config_file>
Examples of config files are given in the "experiments" folder. All config files have to be placed in this directory.
You can tune the following parameters:
- decoder type (with or without Attention)
- encoder type (with or without downsampling, with or without preprocessing layers)
- the encoder's hidden dimension
- the number of recurrent layers in the encoder
- the encoder dropout
- the bidirectionality of the encoder
- the decoder's hidden dimension
- the number of recurrent layers in the decoder
- the decoder dropout
- the bidirectionality of the decoder