
Show something like eclipse outline

Closed this issue · 15 comments

Outline in eclipse is an overview of all classes (with methods and fields) for current file. It was requested by @gopar in this #211.

In general it's much better to expose it on eclim side and just consume the data in emacs.

in spacemace, you could use SPC s l to trigger spacemacs/jump-in-buffer to get a list of all functions in current buffer. It's looks and uses almost the same as the eclipse outline.

@liujoey This is awesome! One important thing it's working only if one have enabled semantic layer... I was wondering whether to keep it or not, but now it's definitely going to stay with me.

For all non spacemacs users. Semantic layer means just semantic tags that are created by bovinator or some other cedet related parser

Worth mentioning is that @gopar reopened the discussion about outline by creating outline version for java on eclim project ervandew/eclim#250. Good job

gopar commented

@liujoey Well that is sure handy. Well that takes care of what I wanted.

Not sure if I'll continue to try to add the outline command to eclim proj.

I make due with 'M-x imenu' combined with ido-vertical-mode.

I just checked and both methods seems to be working well with 1.8 interfaces even with default implementation. I think we should at least write on wiki how to setup outline

FYI: if you want to have a dedicated buffer listing the imenu for the buffer you're working on, you can use imenu-list:

gopar commented

Just a quick question for all you savy emacs users. Does anyone know how to make semantic just show classes, functions and variables? When I call it, it shows me the libraries that I imported and the package namespace.

Any volunteer to add info about setting outline up to wiki? I'll close the issue right after including any information in wiki

@gopar, how exactly do you use it?

gopar commented

@kleewho I call helm-semantic. I get the package namespace and library imports mixed in with the results

@gopar I get the same. Looked for some time into sources to figure out is there any way to configure this but found nothing

gopar commented

@kleewho Yeah, I thought I just sucked at reading documentation but it looks like you can't modify it. Oh well

gopar commented

Created wiki:
Please change as needed.
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@gopar, thank you very much!