Need prefix `bundle exec` to run when use RVM with bundler `deployment true` and `path` config.
zw963 opened this issue · 1 comments
zw963 commented
I am so curious for a long time this, anyway, finally, i ask this question here for a issue.
- When i install RVM in my local machine, use following way directly in terminal, it works as expect, i can run any command without need to prefix with
bundle exec
\curl -sSL | bash -s stable
rvm install 2.7.2
cd some_project
bundle install
some_gem_command # without bundle exec is works.
- But, when i install RVM from server, use same way. (i assume it)
su -lc "\curl -sSL | bash -s stable --path ~/.rvm" deployer
su -lc "rvm install 2.7.2" `deployer`
# ssh relogin to server
cd some_project
bundle config --local deployment true
bundle config --local path some_path
bundle config --local without development:test
some_gem_command # failed!
bundle exec some_command # works
I am so curious why RVM binstubs not works when use with deployment true
This is a bug? or i use this feature wrong way?
Thank you.
zw963 commented
sorry, i guess i send issue wrong place ...