
Help- Error in execution

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PS C: \ ADRecon-master>. \ ADRecon.ps1-LDAP protocol -DomainController server01.sidkron.local -Credential sidkron \ administ
C: \ ADRecon-master \ ADRecon.ps1: It is not possible to process the transformation of the argument into a parameter 'Credential'. It is not
It is possible to convert the value "sidkron \ administrator" of type "System.String" into type "System.Management.Automation.PSCred
ential ".
In line: 1 character: 82
+. \ ADRecon.ps1-LDAP protocol -DomainController server01.sidkron.local -Credential <<<< sidkron \ administrator
+ CategoryInfo: InvalidData: (:) [ADRecon.ps1], ParameterBindin ... mationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId: ParameterArgumentTransformationError, ADRecon.ps1

You appear to have syntax typos.