- 4
Another source for Windows precompiled binaries ?
#384 opened by Nandox7 - 0
Add synchronization primitive to indicate to the app when buffer is complete
#383 opened by russell-taylor - 2
- 0
- 1
Rendering broken on a mac
#381 opened by russell-taylor - 0
When there is only one eye, don't offset it
#379 opened by russell-taylor - 0
cmake policy warning FindOpenGL
#378 opened by emrum - 8
Direct mode doesn't work with mobile Nvidia GPUs
#376 opened by demonixis - 1
- 0
- 1
Implement ATW for extended-mode D3D displays
#333 opened by russell-taylor - 4
- 1
- 2
Overfill factor and distortion correction
#369 opened by YxingC - 3
Direct Mode w/ DK1 results in [NVAPI_RESOURCE_NOT_ACQUIRED] after 12 seconds of rendering
#367 opened by kaisparkle - 2
- 1
Pull default clipping planes and IPD from osvr::clientkit::DisplayConfig
#293 opened by russell-taylor - 3
- 1
- 10
distortion mesh with multiple video inputs
#358 opened by scerbos - 1
- 2
AMD sub-module no longer uses NDA s.d.k?
#354 opened by gigaj0ule - 10
ATW not operating as expected with example programs on DK2/GeForce 1080
#352 opened by russell-taylor - 0
- 0
- 4
VRPN submodule fails to initialize for non-nda repo
#346 opened by gigaj0ule - 1
- 8
- 8
Missing Header Files in SDK
#329 opened by MarkVabulas - 1
- 11
Improve distortion-mesh interpolator
#297 opened by russell-taylor - 7
Direct Rendering on AMD gives error: Could not create presentable surface 0
#314 opened by raunaqatmeta - 10
- 1
The IPD is not configurable for OSVR
#313 opened by raunaqbn - 1
Profiling GPU events in Render manager
#312 opened by raunaqbn - 0
Add Capture Screenshot API
#308 opened by gfrolov - 2
- 7
Adding direct rendering to a new HMD
#290 opened by raunaqbn - 2
- 1
- 0
Consider the interaction of swap_eyes with COP and other distortion parameters
#295 opened by russell-taylor - 4
Display is gray when localTimeOverride = false
#294 opened by rpavlik - 1
Asymmetric Overfill
#282 opened by robsonswiss - 0
- 1
- 1
RenderManagerD3DCAPIExample Black screen flashes
#276 opened by DuFF14 - 1
m_distortionCorrection parameter is ignored
#273 opened by russell-taylor - 0
Should explicitly set the depth/stencil state in PresentDisplayInitialize
#272 opened by russell-taylor - 2
- 4