
Subscriptions recipients not honored

scott-fenton opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm running an instance of mailer, and I'm having trouble specifying extra recipients for my alerts. I've got a user specified in "mail_to" and further users specified in the subscriptions, but only the "mail_to" user is getting emails. My mailer.json looks like this:

"mailer" : {
"admin_gui" : "",
"mail_from": "",
"mail_to": [""],
"delivery_method": "smtp",
"smtp_address": "localhost",
"smtp_port": "25",
"smtp_domain": "localhost.local_domain",
"subscriptions" : {
"subscription1": {
"mail_to": ["",
"subscription2": {
"mail_to": [""]
# further subscriptions omitted
"handlers": {
"mailer": {
"type": "pipe",
"command": "/opt/sensu/embedded/bin/handler-mailer.rb",
"severities": ["warning", "critical", "unknown"]
"mailer-crit": {
"type": "pipe",
"command": "/opt/sensu/embedded/bin/handler-mailer.rb",
"severities": ["critical", "unknown"]



Facing the same issue.
Did anyone figure out a way to send sensu alerts based on subscriptions?

@majormoses Can you help here please?