
[HTTP Endpoint Monitoring (Remote)] Incorrect check and entity names in readme

hillaryfraley opened this issue · 1 comments

The check listed as http-endpoint-monitoring in the readme is in fact named [entity-name]-http-endpoint-healthcheck in the output (code link). I'm not sure which name is more instructive to users, but the name listed in the readme and the name of the check once created should match.

The entity name listed in the readme is also out of sync with the actual name of the entity once created. The readme says it will create an http-endpoint entity, but the entity name seems to be generated based on whatever URL you enter in the HTTP Endpoint Host field in the first page of the config wizard.

This is tough... the integration templating logic is allowed to change the names of the base resources.
There's no way to statically document the final resource names. All you can statically document are the starting resource names prior to the wizard templating.