
Genre split and podcast download issue

mattiasghodsian opened this issue · 12 comments

gonic version: 0.16.2
type: docker
image: sentriz/gonic:nightly

I currently have 2 problems with my gonic setup.

  1. I cant seem to get genre to split using comma, When adding GONIC_MULTI_VALUE_GENRE="delim ," i get a warning in the log that its not set
  2. podcasts cant be downloaded and stored in path.
gonic_1  | 2024/02/20 13:21:45 failed to download podcast: do download: create audio file: open /podcasts/DavidBombal/1749519044100234930668013b2.mp3: no such file or directory
gonic_1  | 2024/02/20 13:21:49 failed to download podcast: do download: create audio file: open /podcasts/DavidBombal/17630949441002b9fda5039d3ac.mp3: no such file or directory
gonic_1  | 2024/02/20 13:21:55 failed to download podcast: do download: create audio file: open /podcasts/DavidBombal/18217555441002b1804b5719f9b.mp3: no such file or directory
gonic_1  | 2024/02/20 13:21:59 failed to download podcast: do download: create audio file: open /podcasts/DavidBombal/182182394410023dc1df6b3c49.mp3: no such file or directory
gonic_1  | 2024/02/20 13:22:04 failed to download podcast: do download: create audio file: open /podcasts/DavidBombal/183981114410023c3fb629d92f3.mp3: no such file or directory

gonic directory files from host view

drwxr-xr-x  5 root  root   5 Feb 20 12:45 ./
drwxr-xr-x 12 user1 user1 12 Feb 20 12:45 ../
drwxr-xr-x  4 root  root   4 Feb 20 12:45 cache/
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  root   2 Feb 20 12:45 playlists/
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  root   2 Feb 20 12:45 podcasts/

start up log

gonic_1  | 2024/02/20 13:21:39 starting gonic v0.16.2
gonic_1  | 2024/02/20 13:21:39 provided config
gonic_1  | 2024/02/20 13:21:39     cache-path                /cache
gonic_1  | 2024/02/20 13:21:39     config-path               
gonic_1  | 2024/02/20 13:21:39     db-path                   /data/gonic.db
gonic_1  | 2024/02/20 13:21:39     exclude-pattern           
gonic_1  | 2024/02/20 13:21:39     expvar                    false
gonic_1  | 2024/02/20 13:21:39     genre-split               
gonic_1  | 2024/02/20 13:21:39     http-log                  true
gonic_1  | 2024/02/20 13:21:39     jukebox-enabled           false
gonic_1  | 2024/02/20 13:21:39     jukebox-mpv-extra-args    
gonic_1  | 2024/02/20 13:21:39     listen-addr               :80
gonic_1  | 2024/02/20 13:21:39     multi-value-album-artist  multi
gonic_1  | 2024/02/20 13:21:39     multi-value-artist        multi
gonic_1  | 2024/02/20 13:21:39     multi-value-genre         multi
gonic_1  | 2024/02/20 13:21:39     music-path                /music
gonic_1  | 2024/02/20 13:21:39     playlists-path            /playlists
gonic_1  | 2024/02/20 13:21:39     podcast-path              /podcasts
gonic_1  | 2024/02/20 13:21:39     podcast-purge-age         0
gonic_1  | 2024/02/20 13:21:39     pprof                     false
gonic_1  | 2024/02/20 13:21:39     proxy-prefix              /
gonic_1  | 2024/02/20 13:21:39     scan-at-start-enabled     false
gonic_1  | 2024/02/20 13:21:39     scan-interval             5
gonic_1  | 2024/02/20 13:21:39     scan-watcher-enabled      true
gonic_1  | 2024/02/20 13:21:39     tls-cert                  
gonic_1  | 2024/02/20 13:21:39     tls-key                   
gonic_1  | 2024/02/20 13:21:39     version                   false


version: "2.4"
    image: sentriz/gonic:nightly
    command: sh -c "while :; do sleep 3600; find /cache -type f -atime +90 -delete; done & gonic"
      - 4533:80
      - ./data:/data 
      - /tattoine/media/music:/music:ro 
      - /tattoine/gonic/podcasts:/podcasts
      - /tattoine/gonic/playlists:/playlists 
      - /tattoine/gonic/cache:/cache
      - TZ=Europe/Stockholm
      #- GONIC_MULTI_VALUE_GENRE="delim ,"
      - audio
      - /dev/snd:/dev/snd

    restart: unless-stopped

I cant seem to get genre to split using comma, When adding GONIC_MULTI_VALUE_GENRE="delim ," i get a warning in the log that its not set

what is the error that you get?

I cant seem to get genre to split using comma, When adding GONIC_MULTI_VALUE_GENRE="delim ," i get a warning in the log that its not set

what is the error that you get?


gonic_1  | 2024/02/20 14:17:00 error parsing args: error parsing env vars: error setting flag "multi-value-genre" from env var "GONIC_MULTI_VALUE_GENRE": unknown multi value mode "\"delim". should be "none" | "multi" | "delim <delim>"; error setting flag "multi-value-genre" from env var "GONIC_MULTI_VALUE_GENRE": unknown multi value mode "\"". should be "none" | "multi" | "delim <delim>"

can you try this in your docker compose instead


same issue

whats the error message this time?

maybe try just


whats the error message this time?

maybe try just


i did that previews with same result

with the same error message? are you sure you did a docker compose up?

user1@tattoine:~/docker/app/gonic$ docker-compose up
Starting gonic_gonic_1 ... done
Attaching to gonic_gonic_1
gonic_1  | 2024/02/20 15:19:21 error parsing args: error parsing env vars: error setting flag "multi-value-genre" from env var "GONIC_MULTI_VALUE_GENRE": no delimiter provided for delimiter mode; error setting flag "multi-value-genre" from env var "GONIC_MULTI_VALUE_GENRE": unknown multi value mode "". should be "none" | "multi" | "delim <delim>"
gonic_1  | 2024/02/20 15:19:22 error parsing args: error parsing env vars: error setting flag "multi-value-genre" from env var "GONIC_MULTI_VALUE_GENRE": no delimiter provided for delimiter mode; error setting flag "multi-value-genre" from env var "GONIC_MULTI_VALUE_GENRE": unknown multi value mode "". should be "none" | "multi" | "delim <delim>"
gonic_gonic_1 exited with code 1

what is the output of docker inspect <gonic container name> | jq ".[].Config.Env"

ohh, i know what the issue is

docker inspect | jq ".[].Config.Env"


hi, the issue is that the config parser gonic uses treats , as a multi item delimiter (for example multiple music dirs)

i've just updated it to a version that supprots escapting the delimiter with \

so you should be able to write


as for the podcast issue, as fix was pushed

unfortunately the nightly builds are broken since #467 so you'll have to wait for that