symbol lookup error
ilvinc3nt opened this issue · 7 comments
gonic version: 0.16.2
Everytime i add a new song (every type of song) to a folder (mp3 file) it stops and shows me this message:
/usr/bin/gonic: symbol lookup error: /usr/bin/gonic: undefined symbol: _ZN6TagLib7FileRef6createEPKcbNS_15AudioProperties9ReadStyleE
the server stops working...if i delete that new song, it starts.
i tried a lot of files, but nothing, it's like i'm at limit of files that the server can manage.
I think it's related to some kind of library, what library gonic needs to works? i haven't find any documentation.
hmm I've never seen this. can you provide the full log, as well as into on how you installed gonic (from source, docker, package manager
I'm on Arch Linux,
my installation is according to this guide:
$ journalctl --follow --unit gonic:
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e systemd[1]: Started gonic service.
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e gonic[904022]: 2024/02/29 13:28:39 starting gonic v0.16.2
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e gonic[904022]: 2024/02/29 13:28:39 provided config
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e gonic[904022]: 2024/02/29 13:28:39 cache-path /var/cache/gonic
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e gonic[904022]: 2024/02/29 13:28:39 config-path /var/lib/gonic/config
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e gonic[904022]: 2024/02/29 13:28:39 db-path /var/lib/gonic/gonic.db
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e gonic[904022]: 2024/02/29 13:28:39 exclude-pattern true
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e gonic[904022]: 2024/02/29 13:28:39 expvar false
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e gonic[904022]: 2024/02/29 13:28:39 genre-split
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e gonic[904022]: 2024/02/29 13:28:39 http-log true
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e gonic[904022]: 2024/02/29 13:28:39 jukebox-enabled false
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e gonic[904022]: 2024/02/29 13:28:39 jukebox-mpv-extra-args
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e gonic[904022]: 2024/02/29 13:28:39 listen-addr :4747
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e gonic[904022]: 2024/02/29 13:28:39 multi-value-album-artist none
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e gonic[904022]: 2024/02/29 13:28:39 multi-value-artist none
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e gonic[904022]: 2024/02/29 13:28:39 multi-value-genre none
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e gonic[904022]: 2024/02/29 13:28:39 music-path /media/music-sd/Old
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e gonic[904022]: 2024/02/29 13:28:39 playlists-path /media/music-sd/X-treme/gonic/playlists-gonic
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e gonic[904022]: 2024/02/29 13:28:39 podcast-path /media/music-sd/X-treme/gonic/pod-gonic
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e gonic[904022]: 2024/02/29 13:28:39 podcast-purge-age 0
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e gonic[904022]: 2024/02/29 13:28:39 proxy-prefix /
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e gonic[904022]: 2024/02/29 13:28:39 scan-at-start-enabled true
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e gonic[904022]: 2024/02/29 13:28:39 scan-interval 600
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e gonic[904022]: 2024/02/29 13:28:39 scan-watcher-enabled false
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e gonic[904022]: 2024/02/29 13:28:39 tls-cert
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e gonic[904022]: 2024/02/29 13:28:39 tls-key
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e gonic[904022]: 2024/02/29 13:28:39 version false
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e gonic[904022]: 2024/02/29 13:28:39 starting job "session clean"
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e gonic[904022]: 2024/02/29 13:28:39 starting job "http"
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e gonic[904022]: 2024/02/29 13:28:39 starting job "scan timer"
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e gonic[904022]: 2024/02/29 13:28:39 starting job "podcast refresh"
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e gonic[904022]: 2024/02/29 13:28:39 starting job "scan at start"
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e gonic[904022]: 2024/02/29 13:28:39 starting scan
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e gonic[904022]: 2024/02/29 13:28:39 processing folder "/media/music-sd/Old"
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e gonic[904022]: 2024/02/29 13:28:39 processing folder "/media/music-sd/Old/my"
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e gonic[904022]: /usr/bin/gonic: symbol lookup error: /usr/bin/gonic: undefined symbol: _ZN6TagLib7FileRef6createEPKcbNS_15AudioProperties9ReadStyleE
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e systemd[1]: gonic.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=127/n/a
feb 29 13:28:39 vinc-e systemd[1]: gonic.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
feb 29 13:28:49 vinc-e systemd[1]: gonic.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 10.
My Folders structure is:
--- my
--- 1 single .mp3 file
I'm sure the problem is related to taglib v2, maybe this topic can help:
thanks and what is the output of pacman -Qi taglib sqlite3
yeah the AUR package is for v0.16.2, which is expecting taglib v1. for taglib v2 (arch's current version) gonic master would need to be built
thanks and what is the output of
pacman -Qi taglib sqlite3
$ pacman -Qi taglib sqlite3
Nome : taglib
Versione : 2.0-1
Descrizione : A Library for reading and editing the meta-data of
several popular audio formats
Architettura : x86_64
Licenze : LGPL-2.1-only MPL-1.1
Gruppi : Nessuno
Fornisce : Nessuno
Dipenda da : gcc-libs glibc sh zlib
Dipendenze opzionali : Nessuno
Richiesto da : gst-plugins-good kfilemetadata5 kid3-common kodi
mixxx strawberry thunar-media-tags-plugin vlc
Opzionale per : kio-extras
Conflitti con : Nessuno
Sostituisce : Nessuno
Spazio richiesto : 1949,58 KiB
Pacchettizzatore : Antonio Rojas <>
Data di creazione : mer 24 gen 2024, 16:20:10
Data di installazione : gio 29 feb 2024, 12:34:39
Motivo dell'installazione : Installato esplicitamente
Script di install : No
Convalidato da : Firma
Nome : sqlite
Versione : 3.45.1-1
Descrizione : A C library that implements an SQL database engine
Architettura : x86_64
Licenze : LicenseRef-Sqlite
Gruppi : Nessuno
Fornisce : sqlite3=3.45.1
Dipenda da : readline zlib glibc
Dipendenze opzionali : Nessuno
Richiesto da : aria2 audacity botan botan2 colord debuginfod
docker gdal gnupg hostapd ipython kodi
libaccounts-glib libchamplain libgpod libsoup
libsoup3 libspatialite mixxx nss packagekit
php83-sqlite proj qgis qt5-base qt6-base
spectre-meltdown-checker sqlcipher strawberry
thunderbird tracker3 webkit2gtk webkit2gtk-4.1
Opzionale per : apr-util nfs-utils pdal python vtk
Conflitti con : Nessuno
Sostituisce : sqlite3
Spazio richiesto : 8,09 MiB
Pacchettizzatore : Andreas Radke <>
Data di creazione : mar 30 gen 2024, 22:10:41
Data di installazione : ven 23 feb 2024, 14:47:54
Motivo dell'installazione : Installato come dipendenza di un altro pacchetto
Script di install : No
Convalidato da : Firma