
Add screenshots

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eonist commented


Add UITestSugar package

Add this to UITest

ScreenShotMaker.screenShotWindow(name: "alert", testCase: self, window:

Add this to AppDelegate:

 UpgradeAlert.config = {
            isRequired: false, // Require users to update
            alertTitle: "Update available", // alert title
            alertMessage: { _, version in "MyApp version \(version) is available on the AppStore." }, // An optional message which you want to show to the user when user will be alerted for the force update.,
            laterButtonTitle: "Later", // skip button title
            updateButtonTitle: "Update Now" // go to appstore btn
      DispatchQueue.main.async {
         UpgradeAlert.showAlert(appInfo: .init(version: "1.0.1", trackViewUrl: ""))