
How active is this project?

StephenOTT opened this issue · 9 comments

How big/active is the community?

Activity does not appear to be very high, which is unfortunate because qless is a pretty nice product. The feature set and simplicity to setup and get going is really great. (instructions need a little work, but still only took about 10 min to get going)

I think qless does not appear in things like Ruby-Toolbox, which is unfortunate because its clearly a tool that needs more exposure. I have tried: rescue, sidekiq, beanstalk, MQ, delayed_job, etc. qless was the easiest to setup, web interface was 1 command to run in terminal (great work btw), and the concepts behind it are simple to understand. 👍 !!

Qless is in active use at Moz. It's in a fairly stable condition at this particular point in time as it meets the majority of our current needs in its current form. Is there something specific you are looking for?

biggest item at the moment has been this: #185

from that also looking at updating the web UI and api (if is does not provide it) with the future date time that the job is scheduled for.

Sorry I can't answer that detail off-hand. @dlecocq is the primary author and has been busy with other priorities, but maybe he can chime in on that #185.

I am planning on using qless for transactional email scheduling. Qless has everything i need, but scheduling is unclear, and the API does not appear to return scheduled date.

and actually just refreshing my memory, ha, knew i read this somewhere: #60

API does not appear to return scheduled date.

One workaround as a temp fix I was thinking of was related to adding the the scheduled date as a "tag". If the scheduled date is changed, the tag could be updated as well. I don't exactly like this as its likely to cause some weirdness with viewing tags and searching for tags, but its a potential quick solution

@dlecocq do we have any timeline on #60? Would be Immensely helpful!

Currently I have no plans to tackle that one :-/ I'll bear your upvote in mind, but the surest way to get it would be a PR.

Currently I have no plans to tackle that one :-/ I'll bear your upvote in mind, but the surest way to get it would be a PR.

okay thanks. I started a bit of work on it tonight. So will close this issue and carry on in #60.