
How to get meta-path? I guess they are obtained from the trained matrix Ws ? How can I obtain meta-path based on Ws ?

zhuyuan804 opened this issue · 0 comments

I met with your paper “Graph Transformer Networks”(arXiv:1911.06455v1). And I am very interested in your algorithm. I am sure that this algorithm is promising in the field of AI.

Take the DBLP dataset as example, I got the Ws with dimension of “Te X 4” ? after 4 times of GT operation, each element in Ws indicate the contribution of Te for the obtained meta-paths. Then I can calculate the probabilities of each meta-paths with 2,3 and 4 elements.
Example of Ws:

The probility of meta-path ABCD will be calculated as W(a,1)*W(b,2)*W(c,3)*W(d,4)

The meta-paths with the highest score will be selected for prediction.

Is my understanding true?

If it is correct, how can I compare the attention score for these meta-paths with different lengths? After all, the attention score is a value of [0,1], therefore the longer meta-paths tend to be with a smaller score