
library and software to interact with novation's launchpad

Primary LanguageC

a library and some program to interact with the launchpad.


this program allows you to communicate with the launchpad through alsa-midi ports.


this program allows you to communicate with the launchpad through an OSC
server. Here are the messages currently supported:

    /lp/reset -- reset the launchpad
    /lp/matrix iii -- (row, col, vel) change the color of a matrix button
    /lp/scene ii -- (row, vel) change the color of a scene button (right column)
    /lp/ctrl ii -- (col, val) change the color of a control button (top row)
    /lp/dest s -- (address) set the address where events should be sent.

vel is for velocity. please refer to novation's manual for more information. to
keep it simple, 0 = off, 127 = yellow.

events sent:

    /lp/matrix iii -- (row, col, vel)
    /lp/scene ii -- (row, vel)
    /lp/ctrl ii -- (col, vel)
    vel = 127 => press
    vel = 0   => release