
Ability to vertically center list items in the list view

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Can you explain where to pass the position of the child in the adapter to measure the child view?

    When "wrap_content" is used as value of the layout_height property.
    Pass the position, inside the adapter, of the view being used to measure the view
    or '-1' to use the default behavior ( default is -1 )

I would like to have the children view be centered vertically in the scroll view rather than aligned to the top padding of the list view. Is that the behavior the note in the README enables or would I need to edit the sources in the makeAndAddView(...) method?

Was able to accomplish this by setting the height of all items to be equal, and making the image view fit center so the image would be centered vertically.

Still interested to see what mechanism the note in the README is referring to, if anyone knows.