Auto hide/show with CollapsingToolbarLayout
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The auto hide/show does not work when adding app:layout_scrollFlags="scroll"
to CollapsingToolbarLayout
Looks like other button navigation libraries have this issue too.
👍 It's happening to me too. Any chance to fix this?
@ipereziriarte You can fix it by adding a onScrollListener to your recyclerview or whatever that you have which scrolls, then listen for up and down scroll events and show/hide it there. It's not elegant but it works.
@MRezaNasirloo Thanks! Nice workaround :)
How to show/hide the bottom navigation programatically? I couldn't find any docs
@erichps114 by calling setExpanded(boolean expanded, boolean animate) on the BottomNavigation Object. I tried it inside the onScrolled Method of OnScrollListener in RecyclerView. But it seems, that there is always a small delay when hiding/showing the bottom nav :/
Would be nice getting this fixed!