Learning Docker

Core concepts

(git) repo -> (docker) image -> container (app)

CLI Commands

For all of the following commands, you have to first navigate to the directory that hosts either the Dockerfil or the docker-compose.yml files.

1. Images

1.1. Building

docker build .
# OR to tag an image
docker build -t author/repo:tag .

1.2. Listing

docker images
# OR
docker image ls

1.3. Removing

# OR
docker image rm $IMAGE_IDENTIFIER
# OR to prune/remove unused images
docker image prune

Where $IMAGE_IDENTIFIER is either Image ID or image tag, i.e. author/repo:tag.

2. Containers

2.1. Running

This will essentially CREATE a new container off of an image. You can create multiple containers from a single image.

# OR to name a container
docker run --name app $IMAGE_IDENTIFIER
# OR to forward the port to host
docker run --name app -p 4000:4000 $IMAGE_IDENTIFIER
# OR to create a volume from a host directory
docker run --name app -p 4000:4000 -v /absolute/path/to/host/dir:/absolute/path/to/docker/dir $IMAGE_IDENTIFIER

# OR to automatically remove the container after being stopped
docker run --name app -p 4000:4000 -v /absolute/path/to/host/dir:/absolute/path/to/docker/dir --rm $IMAGE_IDENTIFIER
# OR to run the container in detached/daemon (background) mode
docker run --name app -p 4000:4000 -v /absolute/path/to/host/dir:/absolute/path/to/docker/dir -d $IMAGE_IDENTIFIER

2.2. Listing

# To list running containers
docker ps
# OR to include stopped containers
docker ps -a

2.3. Viewing logs

# OR to follow logs
docker logs $CONTAINER_IDENTIFIER --follow
# OR for short

Where $CONTAINER_IDENTIFIER is either Container ID or randomly generated container name, i.e. scary_ship.

2.4. Stopping

Stopped containers are not entirely removed and they can be started again later, but their initialization commands are already executed.


2.5. Starting

Note that contrary to docker run, in this command you are NOT creating a new image and that you are working with $CONTAINER_IDENTIFIER instead of $IMAGE_IDENTIFIER. Also note that docker start always starts the container in detached mode.


2.6. Removing


3. Compose

3.1. Build and run resources

docker compose up
# OR to override the default .env file with another one
docker compose --env-file .development.env up
# OR to run in the detached/daemon (background) mode
docker compose up -d

3.2 View container logs

docker comopse logs
# OR to follow logs
docker compose logs --follow
# OR for short
docker compose logs -f

3.3. List images

docker compose images

3.4. List services

docker compose ls
# OR to list stopped services as well
docker compose ls -a

3.5. Stop resources

docker compose down
# OR to remove volumes as well
docker compose down -v

3.6. Remove resources

docker compose rm


Run something inside container

# For starting an interactive shell in Ubuntu flavors
docker exec -it $CONTAINER_IDENTIFIER /bin/bash
# OR for Alpine flavors
docker exec -it $CONTAINER_IDENTIFIER /bin/sh
# OR for shorter version
docker exec -it $CONTAINER_IDENTIFIER sh
# OR to run a specific command
docker exec -it $CONTAINER_IDENTIFIER psql


# List volumes:
docker volume ls

# Inspect a volume:
docker inspect $VOLUME_IDENTIFIER

# Remove a particular volume:
docker volume rm $VOLUME_IDENTIFIER

# Prune/remove all unused volumes:
docker volume prune


# List networks:
docker network ls

# Inspect a network:
docker inspect $NETWORK_IDENTIFIER