
Thread min stack size

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The minimum stack size in sx_thread_create() can cause a segmentation fault depending on the application, I tested it by initializing Vulkan on a thread.
To fix that I set the value returned from sx_os_minstacksz() to 8mb, which is the value returned by "ulimit -s" on my computer.

thanks for the heads up.
but afaik, ulimit -s is the maximum stack size, not min:

ulimit --help
ulimit: ulimit [-SHabcdefiklmnpqrstuvxPT] [limit]
    Modify shell resource limits.

    Provides control over the resources available to the shell and processes
    it creates, on systems that allow such control.

      -S        use the `soft' resource limit
      -H        use the `hard' resource limit
      -a        all current limits are reported
      -b        the socket buffer size
      -c        the maximum size of core files created
      -d        the maximum size of a process's data segment
      -e        the maximum scheduling priority (`nice')
      -f        the maximum size of files written by the shell and its children
      -i        the maximum number of pending signals
      -k        the maximum number of kqueues allocated for this process
      -l        the maximum size a process may lock into memory
      -m        the maximum resident set size
      -n        the maximum number of open file descriptors
      -p        the pipe buffer size
      -q        the maximum number of bytes in POSIX message queues
      -r        the maximum real-time scheduling priority
      -s        the maximum stack size
      -t        the maximum amount of cpu time in seconds
      -u        the maximum number of user processes
      -v        the size of virtual memory
      -x        the maximum number of file locks
      -P        the maximum number of pseudoterminals
      -T        the maximum number of threads

So, I'm not sure if I should increase the number returned by sx_os_minstacksz. But on thread creation, you are right, the default value for sx_thread_create is way low, I'll fix that one