
Make insert size histogram more prominent

Closed this issue · 4 comments

jcha40 commented

Currently, the insert size histogram is a link in the "Additional Information" tab of the "Mapping Statistics" section:

We likely want to move all the information in the "Additional Information" tab out into its own section since the insert size statistics are a much more important QC tool than they previously were.

jcha40 commented

The section should be called "Paired-end statistics" and the columns we want in the new table are Sample ID, Sequence Run, Genome, Average Insertion Size, Insert size histogram (with image embedded, new payload)

jcha40 commented

We probably also want to keep Adapter Dimer Count, so something like this:

dshao commented

code commit b17228b and run the database update:

update sequence_alignment s inner join (select alignment_id, datasets from analysis where category = 'output_peHistogram') a on = a.alignment_id set s.pe_histogram = JSON_EXTRACT(a.datasets,'$[1].uri')

This has been implemented